Online Classes

Savvy Speakers

English is undeniably the current dominant lingua franca (common language between speakers of different mother tongues) in the world. At ESL Philippines, we faithfully adhere to what E-S-L stands for: English as the Second Language.
ESL Savvy Speakers Program has an individualistic approach in determining its students’ needs. Syllabi are made based on the learner’s specific needs to effectively target the areas in need of improvement. From grammar lessons, vocabulary bank enrichment, conversational skills practice to pronunciation drills and diction improvement, ESL incorporates them all in each class to ensure that its students will depart with the speaking proficiency they need.
At ESL Philippines, we make them speak like no other.
ESL Philippines
Savvy Speakers

frequently asked questions

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The Savvy Speakers program is a globally-competent, English-speaking skills development course for kids, teens and adults.
The Savvy Speaker levels, being Junior, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced, categorize the students based on their English-speaking literacy.
There are 20 days to take as a requirement for a ladder certification (*a level may be taken multiple times, depending upon the student’s progress).
Savvy Speaker classes run for 25 – 40 minutes (*depending on the mode of learning).
Class schedule is customizable and can be based on the time preference and availability of the student, to be conducted via face-to-face or online (*fees vary).
An ESL folder and daily printed worksheets are to be provided by the ESL English Instructor for center-based speaking classes.
Yes, but with certain considerations (*to be discussed with the ESL teachers during the pre-enrollment assessment).
Yes, a certificate is provided if the student successfully passes a level based on his/her 20-day performance.
ESL Online

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